Healing Classes
Reiki: A Japanese word meaning: Divinely Guided Healing. We teach Reiki in accordance with the International Center of Reiki Training (ICRT certified). Jenni and Deanna are of the lineage of the founder, Usui Mikao, who created the system of Reiki that we use today. We are excited to be able to teach all seven levels of Reiki, both Usui/Tibetan and Karuna Reiki®, so we can follow you through all steps of your learning, however far you choose to go. We are honored to have been practicing and teaching for over 20 years. Reiki classes are taught in a sacred tradition that allows students to experience a powerful connection with their higher selves. A true Reiki attunement can never be accomplished over the internet or at a distance. We will be offering various levels of Reiki classes near our office in Denver, Colorado. Please send us an email or text if you are interested in taking the classes or have questions.
Reiki I and II classes to teach the fundamentals of healing for yourself, friends, family and pets. In Reiki I you will receive an attunement that will prepare your being to receive the healing symbols in Reiki II. After Reiki II you will discover a whole new world of sensations of energy. As you gain experience you can develop an internal confidence that will allow you to greatly help yourself and others. As with all professions, practice and experience are the only ways to master healing. These 2 classes really go hand in hand and are best taken back to back. Usually we teach these classes one or two weeks apart. If that isn’t possible, then you may take them at different times, but we urge you to take them close together to have a complete course to work with.
Reiki I – $160.00 for new students OR $100.00 for repeat students
Reiki II – $ 140.00 for new students OR $100.00 for repeat students
ART is secondary after the primary classes of Reiki I & II. This is a one day 5 hour class that teaches techniques in psychic surgery, crystal healing grids and you will be attuned to 3 more master symbols. It is advisable to have at least 30 hours of practice of Reiki I and II before moving on to this advanced level class. There is a lot of material and the class moves quickly, so prior experience with the healing energy is a must. This class is only available to prior students who have taken Reiki I & II with us.
ART – $ 225.00 (includes crystals) OR $125.00 for repeat students
This class will teach you how to teach your own Usui Reiki Classes and teach you to give the powerful attunements you will gift to your students. This is a one day, afternoon class. Many of our students don’t choose to take this class as they are interested in doing the healing work for their own practice and not in teaching. This class is not necessary to continue on with Karuna Reiki® I and II. We schedule this class by request only.
Karuna Reiki® I and II:
Karuna Reiki® classes are master classes for Master Healers and those who want to deepen their skills in healing. These classes are open to those who have taken Reiki I & II and ART with us and have had about 30 hours of additional practice of healing after advanced Reiki training (ART). Karuna Reiki® I & II go hand in hand and should be taken back to back. They are taught one or two weeks apart in a 4 hour afternoon. We need you to make the two class commitment if you wish to take this training. At the end of this training, you will be attuned to 8 new powerful symbols! You will learn to master the opening and closing of portals and gateways, as well as deepen your abilities to be a complete transpersonal healer. These classes are only available to those who have taken the Usui Reiki classes with us.
Karuna Reiki® I – $185.00 OR for repeat students $100.00
Karuna Reiki® II – $165.00 OR for repeat students $100.00
Karuna Reiki® I and II TEACHER TRAINING:
This class will teach you how to teach your own Karuna Reiki® Classes and teach you to give the powerful attunements you will gift to your students. This is a one day afternoon class. This class is taught by request only.
NOTE: Class size is a 12 student max. We offer PRIOR students of ours the option to repeat classes at a lower fee. No two classes are ever the same. Basic information will be the same, but the experience will be unique each time you repeat the class. Those interested in repeating a class will be advised 2 weeks prior of availability.
Important information for helping you choose a Reiki Teacher in your area.

Class Schedule for 2023
Reiki I: Not offered at this time
Reiki II: Not offered at this time
Advanced Reiki Training : Sunday 9/17/2023, 12:00 to 5:00
Karuna Reiki® I: To be announced
Karuna Reiki® II: To be announced
To register, e-mail or text us